Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sunny Weather

Since it is such a nice day, today I will bring my preparatory work for With Hands out of doors, into downtown Troy. I plan on working near the library, but this is subject to change. My hope is that this will inspire conversation, and perhaps plant some seeds for collaboration and participation. I will have my camera with me. I would like to meet and photograph more local makers and do-ers. It is important to me to authentically represent the family of skilled makers and do-ers within the community. If you are in Troy, especially if you make or do something that others pay someone else (or a company) to make or do, then please come talk to me!


  1. I'll be doing some welding outside today as I'm making a showpiece for the Schenectady Museum - but that's kinda hu-hum.

    Other kinds of things I make like this are probably not the kind of craft you are looking for?

  2. No, this is great. Is there any chance I could get some pictures / take some pictures of you to use in my portrait-wall-of-makers-and-do-ers?

  3. Sure - But I do think mother nature wants to give us some rain for the next little while.

    I'll be doing the rest in my garage, lighting isn't great, but it's dry.

    I could send you a few pictures if you'd prefer. Jenni has a digital SLR.

  4. Either way is fine. I would really love a straight forward portrait of you, and then a picture that shows you working with your hands. Your face needn't be in the second picture. I also don't mind taking the pictures myself (if my directives sound too convoluted). Feel free to e-mail me @ (unless you are based closer to Albany or Troy, then email the respective address)

  5. I didn't dig too deep into your blog yet (came here through LJ), but a group of us meet at Flavours every Monday night to knit and spin. We're there from around 7:30 to 10:00. Once they change to summer hours we might be moving.
